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Doctoral candidates in the University Council


University Council Freiburg

The University Council accompanies the University of Freiburg and assumes responsibility in strategic terms. It consists of eleven members, six of whom are external to the university and five internal, who are appointed by the Minister of Science.

The University Council decides, among other things, on structural and development planning and proposes measures that serve to build the profile and increase the performance and competitiveness of the university. Furthermore, it supervises the management of the rectorate and, together with the senate, elects the full-time members of the rectorate.

Further information can be found here:


Clemens Hermann Wagner

Faculty of Theology


Clemens Hermann Wagner studied Catholic theology and German philology from 2013 until 2019 at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. During this time he spent two semesters as student representative in the faculty council of the Faculty of Theology. After finishing his teacher training ("Referendariat") for secondary schools, he started as a doctoral candidate of Catholic theology in the topic of "Discussing the relationship of contemporary theatre and systematic theology" ("Verhältnisbestimmung von zeitgenössischem Theater und systematischer Theologie").

He was elected as representative of the doctoral candidates for the University Council in January 2022 and strives to support the concerns of junior scientists.


More information about Clemens Hermann Wagner: